Access the Grants API
_updateDetect provider from email address
The parameters to include in the request
The detected provider, if found
Exchange an authorization code for an access token
The request parameters for the code exchange
Information about the Nylas application
Refresh an access token
The refresh token request
The response containing the new access token
Build the URL for admin consent authentication for Microsoft
The configuration for building the URL
The URL for admin consent authentication
Build the URL for authenticating users to your application with OAuth 2.0
The configuration for building the URL
The URL for hosted authentication
Build the URL for authenticating users to your application with OAuth 2.0 and PKCE IMPORTANT: YOU WILL NEED TO STORE THE 'secret' returned to use it inside the CodeExchange flow
The configuration for building the URL
The URL for hosted authentication
Generated using TypeDoc
A collection of authentication related API endpoints
These endpoints allow for various functionality related to authentication. Also contains the Grants API and collection of provider API endpoints.