Interface CreateEventRequest

Interface representing a request to create an event.


  • CreateEventRequest


busy?: boolean

This value determines whether to show this event's time block as available on shared or public calendars.

calendarId?: string

Calendar ID of the event.

capacity?: number

The maximum number of participants that may attend the event.

conferencing?: Conferencing

Representation of conferencing details for events. Conferencing object can be in one of two formats (sub-objects):

description?: string

Description of the event.

hideParticipants?: boolean

Whether participants of the event should be hidden.

location?: string

Location of the event, such as a physical address or meeting room name.

metadata?: Record<string, unknown>

A list of key-value pairs storing additional data.

participants?: Participant[]

List of participants invited to the event. Participants may also be rooms or resources.

readOnly?: boolean

If the event participants are able to edit the event.

recurrence?: string[]

An list of RRULE and EXDATE strings.

reminderMethod?: string

Method to remind the user about the event. (Google only).

reminderMinutes?: string

The number of minutes before the event start time when a user wants a reminder for this event. Reminder minutes need to be entered in the following format: "[20]".

title?: string

Title of the event.

visibility?: "private" | "public"

Visibility of the event, if the event is private or public.

when: When

Representation of time and duration for events. When object can be in one of four formats (sub-objects):

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